meaningful events
Origyne•s changes the mechanisms of classic events to give them new meaning through simple actions for lasting outcomes.
mindfulness in the spot light
Meditation and Yoga to serve your missions
Origyne•s changes the way events are traditionally organized by adding mindfulness meditation techniques before the various work sessions in order to optimize the transmission of your message to the audience.
This method enhances the concentration and the attention of the participants to make your conference more successful.
We also offer optional postural yoga sessions.
communicating kindly
Get your message across, using gentle methods of communication
The way in which your message is delivered is crucial for it to be well understood. This is why we use tools of kind & non-violent communication, allowing to deliver your messages more effectively and thus to increase the success of your event.
Goodwill is the key for your audiance to be as receptive as possible to your message.
positive impact
Have a positive impact on your environment
With an eco-responsible approach, we suggest that you minimize the impact of your event on the environment, such as by favoring local and regional suppliers and speakers, or by drastically reducing the amount of waste produced to aim for a “zero waste” conference.
We can also establish the carbon footprint of your event in case you wish to offset it.
Origyne•s stays active with the NGO Eco-Bénin which is very close to our heart.
pick the right environment
Choosing a destination for your corporate event is also
a way to “act mindfully”
Choosing a destination close to nature is also a way of acting mindfully. Alpine areas offer many experiences throughout the year, this is what makes both Megève & Chamonix famous and mythical! But there are numerous other ideal destinations to host your corporate event with emtions of their own. When you choose to act mindfully, you decide to organize much more than just a corporate event. You become conscious and responsible for creating a sustainable event, by collaborating with local suppliers, using localy sourced produtcs.