Press release
Origyne·s as a committed company, joins the global 1% for the Planet movement!
Launched in 2002 in the United States by Yvon Chouinard, founder and owner of Patagonia, and Craig Mathews, ex-owner of Blue Ribbon Flies, 1% for the Planet is a collective of companies (2,500 worldwide, spread over 45 countries ) that are committed to environmental protection.
The planet needs us now! The impact of climate change is visible to the naked eye, our food systems are increasingly constrained, our natural spaces, our water resources and plant and animal species are on borrowed time.
Concretely, how does it work?
As a non-profit organization, 1% for the Planet‘s mission is to increase environmental philanthropy and the impact of actions carried out by environmental protection associations by facilitating their fundraising.
Members who commit donate 1% of their annual turnover to pre-selected organizations for their environmental conservation projects. In addition, the 1% for the Planet team is responsible for verifying annually the respect of the commitments of all its members, by checking the adequacy of the 1% of turnover with donations to approved associations.
French people are more and more concerned
The environment has become the French main concern since 2018 *. And they consider that companies must change their behavior in priority.
* Source: Crédoc, enquête Conditions de vie et aspirations des Français et tendances de consommation, 2018/2019 et Etude Harris Interactive pour ça m’interesse, septembre 2019
How are the projects chosen?
1% for the Planet deals with all environmental issues (over 500 associations in France and over 3500 in the world) relating to 7 key themes:
Agricultures and soils
Active learning in contact with Nature
Eco-citizen movements
Rivers & Oceans
Public health & environment
Members make their donations directly to the network’s environmental associations and / or via the organization 1% pour la Planète.
The amounts paid:
More than 7 million euros donated each year by our French members,
And more than 27 million dollars donated each year around the world.
What is the profile of the companies involved with the collective?
91% of VSEs and associations generating income,
3% of SMEs and 6% of mid-sized companies.
The cosmetics and pharmacology industries are the biggest donor, followed by agri-food companies, the event industry and finally the textile industry.
The transport sector and logistics are still not very much financially involved.
Who are the ambassadors?
We, companies committed to supporting the protection of our environment, are represented by personalities whose commitment is no longer to be proven: Yann Arthus Bertrand (Founding President of Good Planet), Vandana Shiva (Alternative Nobel Prize 1993) or again Samuel Le Bihan (Founder of Earthwake).
Origyne·s‘ ambition was born from the desire to act differently, to give meaning to events, to act mindfully. It was therefore made complete sense to become members of 1% for the Planet in order to show our clients that it is possible to change the way events are run to make them more virtuous and sustainable.
So come one, it’s time for you to have a positive impact on your environment too. Origyne·s changes the mechanisms of classic events to give them new meaning through simple actions for lasting outcomes: aiming for zero-waste events, establishing a carbon footprint in order to offset CO2 emissions, etc.
We look forward to helping you in organizing your meaningful event!
Flore & Jenn